2010년 11월 22일 월요일

How to make Tonkatsu Siwi roll

Today I going to tell you about make Tonkatsu siwi roll!
We need Tonkatsu meat aproximitly 100~150g, Chikurie 2, 2 slices of cheddar chesse, korean sweet swece 2, 2cups of rice, black bean 1T, heated siwi 2, Tonkatsu sauce 2T.
crap salad: Cramy 1, caveche slice of 1, Mayonage 1T, peanut butter 1/2T, sugar 1/2T, little of salt.
crap salad: Cramy 1, caveche slice of 1, Mayonage 1T, peanut butter 1/2T, sugar 1/2T, little of salt.
green tea sauce: yogurt 2T, mayonage 1T, melt sugar 1T, ginger 1/2T, little of salt
bae hapt cho: viniger 2T, sugar 1T, salt 1/2T, boil it in a middle fire, degest to the 2/3.
Tonkatsu floor cooked: hot sauce 1T, salt, pepper, flower, egg water- breed according to this path, cooked.
 It looks difficult but this is not too difiicult! If you follow this recipe, you can eat fantastic food!
Now , We have to cook! how to cook this food?
First , tonkatsu- prepare the meat with the hot sauce and salt and pepper. floor, egg water, breed, according to this path, cooked in the oil. - dice it slightly
And than cook the bae hapt cho and mix it with the rice. it is important to mix it with the tree spon so the rice don't seperate each other
We have to make crap salad too. slice the cramy in small size and slice the cavache. mix all of the above togerher.
Than,rap the siwi and prepare the 2/3 of siwi, give a background with the rice. -- flip it and make siwi to come above and put on the chesse, chikury, crap salad, sweet radies and rap all together
And last,slice it in good shape and put the tonkatsu suace with green tea sause.
What do you think? Isn’t it easy? I hope you make this food and eat delicous!

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