2010년 11월 27일 토요일

2010년 11월 25일 목요일

Good will hunting,1997

Will Hunting , who spends his lifetime wandering around pubs with his friends and working on chores like sweeping and on construction sites, is exceptional in that he is a genious, enjoying reading books , different from his friends.

Working at MIT as a janitor, Will solved an advanced math problem on the hallway board as a piece of cake. Since then, Professor Lambeau of Math Department starts to seek this veiled genious, while Will has a positive feeling toward Skylar of Harvard University on the pub where he gets along with his friends.

Lambeau who managed to find the genious gets to Will who are in the prison for assault and comprimise to release Will with bail under the two conditions that Will should solve math and take a psychologial therapy every week. Surprised by Will's talents that solve problems very easily which have annoyed professors for a long time, Lambeau has an ambition to make Will a historical mathmatician, however rebellious Will makes fun of psychologists. Disappointing Lambeau has ended up asking for Sean's help who was a roommate at college and currently psychology professor.

The first time when Will and Sean meet, Will behaves impolitely because he believes that Sean is the same as the other ones. Nevertheless, Sean promises to meet him again. The next meeting, Sean points out Will's illogical remarks and gives Will advices of seeing himself directly.

Will started a date with Skylar and falls in her chams, which lead to more open conversation with Sean.
And Lambeau urges Sean to change Will radically but Sean claims that Will are not yet to be prepared to do something.

Skylar tries to come closer to Will who is different from her, but Will cannot open his mind and tries to stay away from her. In the end, leaving Skylar alone in Califonia and getting scolded by Sean for not opeining his mind, Will doesn't come to the meeting with Sean. Embarssing Lambeau argues with Sean over Will's absence and go into serious fights remarking competitive relationships in the youth between them. At that time, Will approches Sean and confesses his unfortunate youth, bursting into tears.

And Will decides to live a new life in the future and tries to work at companies Lambeau recommended, but suddenly he changes his mind and leave for Califonia where Skylar live to seek for love.

2010년 11월 22일 월요일

How to make Tonkatsu Siwi roll

Today I going to tell you about make Tonkatsu siwi roll!
We need Tonkatsu meat aproximitly 100~150g, Chikurie 2, 2 slices of cheddar chesse, korean sweet swece 2, 2cups of rice, black bean 1T, heated siwi 2, Tonkatsu sauce 2T.
crap salad: Cramy 1, caveche slice of 1, Mayonage 1T, peanut butter 1/2T, sugar 1/2T, little of salt.
crap salad: Cramy 1, caveche slice of 1, Mayonage 1T, peanut butter 1/2T, sugar 1/2T, little of salt.
green tea sauce: yogurt 2T, mayonage 1T, melt sugar 1T, ginger 1/2T, little of salt
bae hapt cho: viniger 2T, sugar 1T, salt 1/2T, boil it in a middle fire, degest to the 2/3.
Tonkatsu floor cooked: hot sauce 1T, salt, pepper, flower, egg water- breed according to this path, cooked.
 It looks difficult but this is not too difiicult! If you follow this recipe, you can eat fantastic food!
Now , We have to cook! how to cook this food?
First , tonkatsu- prepare the meat with the hot sauce and salt and pepper. floor, egg water, breed, according to this path, cooked in the oil. - dice it slightly
And than cook the bae hapt cho and mix it with the rice. it is important to mix it with the tree spon so the rice don't seperate each other
We have to make crap salad too. slice the cramy in small size and slice the cavache. mix all of the above togerher.
Than,rap the siwi and prepare the 2/3 of siwi, give a background with the rice. -- flip it and make siwi to come above and put on the chesse, chikury, crap salad, sweet radies and rap all together
And last,slice it in good shape and put the tonkatsu suace with green tea sause.
What do you think? Isn’t it easy? I hope you make this food and eat delicous!

About my Leo!

My family have a one dog, Leo.
She is nine years old. She came to my home when I was 12.
She is old. So sometimes She tired easy.
She has a white fur , long tail and long white legs,
She is really beautiful. She even has a double eyelid!!
When people came to my home and saw Leo, they always said “oh! she is really beautiful dog!”
I love Leo, we are good friend. She is smart, so she always can read my mind!
Even though I’m Seoul and she is in Jeju but we still good friend and never forget each other!

To be a good older sister

I have one younger brother. He sometimes makes me happy and sometimes makes me sad.
Anyway, I love my brother. So I want to tell you about be a good sister.
First, always talk with your brother.
Almost teenager don’t want to tell someone about thier friends or studies.
So, if you want to know about that, you have to ask first.
Don’t be angry. Just talk with your brother with kind voice,
Second, make some food.
My brother loves eating. Teenger boys like eating so make some food for your brother and eat together. Than your brother going to loves you so much! Because If you follow this, your brother think that you really care of him!
If you want to good brother, try this! You never fail!

2010년 11월 20일 토요일

Bukchon Hanok Village

I went to here yesterday. It really wonderful! but too many couples in here.

So I was upset little bit. Because I was alone :(

And I have cold now may be because of I went to bukchon without neckpiece or something


I have a cold :(

I can't even speak

be careful about cold guys!

2010년 11월 15일 월요일

About Cheju island

I was born in Jeju Island and grew up there. so I really want to introduce about my hometown Jeju.
Jeju island (Jejudo) known as a place of fantasy or mystery is the largest island in Korea and is located in the southwest sea of the Korean peninsula and is highlighted for its uniqueness. The size of Jeju is 73km from east to west, 41Km from north to south in the shape of an oval. The island has an area of 1,845km2 with a circuit road of 182km along the seashores. It has a convenient traffic situation thanks to the several transversal roads and many other small and large roads and its population is about 530,000.
In the center of this island, there is Halla mountain which was a volcano once rising 1,950m above the sea level. About 360 smaller cones named "Orum" around the island show a peculiar topographical view in combination with Halla mountain. It has strong influence from oceanic climate in summer and continental climate in winter and it's very mild with the annular mean temperature of about 16'C.
Various kinds of plants from polar plants to subtropical plants are distributed making a treasure house of about 1,800 kinds of plants. It holds rich underground resources, and every kind of fish and corals in the clean blue sea area. Jeju is a tourist resort (with no other industry) with all conditions for a resort area. The many guests visiting this blessed island from many states have helped to make it an international tourist resort.
Now, what do you think about Jeju? Do you think it's beautiful? fantastic? well, how about go to Jeju fast as you can!

How to make this food?

Hi! Mr. Nobel! It's a pleasant afternoon.
Today I'm going to introduce how to make fruit juice and Curry and rice.
Fruit juice is very good for body since it's fresh material by itself.
First of all, materials needed are fruit, 2 bottles of yogurt and mixer to make fruit juice.
You will not grind apple by force, will you?
I'm a genius with good idea.
Let me make apple juice with apple prepared.
First of all wash an apple, cut into pieces in the appropriate sizes, then grind them after putting them with 2 bottles of yogurt into mixer
Isn't it very simple?
This is the very well-being juice.
Next, how to make Curry and rice.
We need carrot, meat, onion, potato, curry and pepper
Chop carrots, onions, and potatoes.
Cut up meat in suitable size.
Put oil in a frypan and fry chopped potatoes first.
While you fry chopped potatoes, put chopped carrots and fry them.
Put those well-fried vegetables in a side dish.
Now, put cut-up meat in the pan and fry it.
In a cook pot, put in fried vegetables and meat and pour proper amount of water in.
To mix up curry well, soften it with water.
When water starts to boil, mix softened curry and stir it well. Boil it untill vegetables are well cooked.
Put in pepper if you want to make your curry tastier.
Pour your curry on rice and mix them up with your spoon.
Please make it and drink it and eat it! You must be like it!